Birch spring floor

Tips and Trick #7 Spring Floor Types & Maintenance

Spring Floor Maintenance

Spring floors are the most used apparatus in every gym. Unfortunately, they get the least amount of attention. It is recommended that gym owners take the carpet and foam off to inspect the floorboards and springs at least every two years. This is an important part of long term spring floor maintenance and injury prevention.


The biggest advantage of two-layer floor systems is there are no H-channels or straps to move or get loose. However, these floors are made of boards that will eventually break. The most common boards to break are the top boards. Cracks and breaks usually occur in the high traffic areas, the punching and landing zones. Additionally, bottom boards can break, but not as often as top boards. Be sure to inspect both layers of wood during your inspection.


Plastic floors are incredibly durable, but they require regular maintenance. Over time, springs can fall off, the H-channels will shift, and straps can loosen. As a result, gaps will form between the boards. Temporarily, Duct-Tape may be used to hold the H-channels in place, but eventually, the Duct-Tape will break and the channels will move. It is very important to inspect this floor every two years to ensure the channels are where they should be and there are no broken boards. Additionally, inspect the straps to make sure they are tight and that gaps have not formed between the boards.


Single layer wood floors will have the same maintenance requirements as the plastic floors. However, with the single layer wood floor, the wooden boards will break and/or get cracks in them. Inspect the wood floor yearly, especially at the high traffic, punching and landing areas of the floor. The floor boards are most prone to breaking and cracking.

Contact us for spring floor repair or upgrade to a new spring floor